With so many constantly trying to find ways to be what may be considered, ‘more beautiful,’ you come to the question, “What does beautiful really mean?” It’s necessary to be honest about this question. There are some who may never feel beautiful or who only are looking at beauty in one way. What I may find beautiful may not be the same for someone else. Let’s take a moment to discuss, “What does beautiful mean to you?”

There are many quotes and sayings about beauty but there are a few that stood out to me regarding this topic. These include: “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder,” ” It gives a thought that beauty is found in the one who sees it in the other. Although, the beholder may find beauty, someone else may consider the same as average. So what is truly beautiful then?

Is beautiful only “skin deep?” Can we go deeper and consider what is really beautiful overall. Dictionary.com defines beauty as: “the quality of being pleasing and attractive, especially to look at: natural beauty; this is an area of outstanding natural beauty.” It amazes me that even in the definition, we find that beauty is considered as being pleasing and attractive to look at. What about if the person is really “ugly on the inside?”

I believe when we are beautiful on the inside, we are then most beautiful overall as it radiates on the outside.

To me beauty has a more meaningful sense. I believe when we are beautiful on the inside, we are then most beautiful overall as it radiates on the outside. Sooner or later, someone who may be considered beautiful to look at, will be recognized for their character and morals too. I understand that we may like to see things as naturally beautiful, but let’s begin to stop being so superficial. Let’s consider how we can see beauty in so many inner ways of things.

I think we all have been guilty of these things, when we look at beauty only through one lens.

When we view beauty as only skin deep, we may not like what we are seeing. Choose to learn to appreciate what is attractive on the inside too. Move past what you see in front of you and decide to pay attention to the life and actions of the person, place/s and things.

I think we all have been guilty of these things, when we look at beauty only through one lens. Perhaps you learned some hard lessons because you ignored red flags as you were so engrossed with the outer perspective alone. How about you take a moment to reflect, what are you considering beautiful and perhaps you have sensed some warning signs? Do not ignore these things, but pay attention and do what you must to see things for what they really are. Don’t embrace superficial beauty but I challenge you to go deeper.

Thank you for taking moments with me. Share your story and let me know if you have been guilty of only looking on the outer beauty while ignoring what was ugly on the inside. Have you embraced deep inner beauty? Do you have any favorite beauty quotes?

Take a moment to read some more Beauty Quotes by Reader’s Digest.

Don’t let anyone or anything make you believe you are stuck.

There is always another way.
Keep pressing on and find it.
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