We each find ourselves in this ‘new place.’ Yes, it’s called social distancing. Before now, I do not think we even discussed this. It’s amazing how quickly things have changed and continue to change moment by moment with this new corona virus that has affected now people world-wide. For the most part, many didn’t think it would come to their town but now we find ourselves in this place. Let’s take a moment to discuss, “A New Place.”
To further discuss social distancing, let’s look at how it is defined according to the New York Times, “Social distancing is ultimately about creating physical distance between people who don’t live together.“ In this new place we find ourselves, we are learning what this entails to be socially distant. For those who are uncomfortable with overly socializing, they are actually pretty comfortable with this new change. However, for those who have many social interactions via work, school etc. this is rather uncomfortable and very different.
This corona virus is definitely not a respecter of persons and is unfortunately affecting each of our lives in a variety of ways. For some this has meant loss. This loss may have included someone who have been infected with the disease. For others, they may have lost their jobs and now find themselves without an income. This new place has come quickly upon us and yet we still are not sure how severe it may get or how long it will impact each of us.
Due to these necessary changes, we cannot gather more than 10 at a time and should have limited interaction. Yes, this includes no shaking of hands, and no hugs or kisses when we are greeting each other. The lack of socializing and touch can definitely impact many in a negative way. We also cannot meet to have time to pray or study in person in large groups for encouragement. For the most part, many are being told to just stay home. These new changes have bought to light the necessity to use online services. It is different for some, but a new place for others who are not used to this.
With all this, we each can honestly say we are feeling this current new place that we find ourselves in. On the other side of this, we see people coming together in a different way. Although, they cannot do so in person, you are finding more people connecting in ways that they were not before. There are now people helping one another in unique ways. At the stores for example, when one needs toilet paper another will tell them where they can find it. If the elderly need help, individuals are reaching out extra to check on them and help get them what they need. Although, these are things we should each be doing already in general, there is a rise in this. Just as we should always have washed our hands, just saying. I have to say, this has been my most favorite part of this experience so far. Why? Because you are seeing the church coming together in a different way than just in their own individually ways but many are being encouraged as God’s people. They are also visiting other churches globally even more so via the internet. Even more ministries are now having to encourage LIVE online and so it allows many people to visit right at the safety of their homes via online. Praise God for technology!
I know we each have been impacted at this new place and we really do not know how long it will be this way. What we must come to realize is that God is in control and nothing has taken Him by surprise. As a believer, we have many Biblical promises we can stand on, especially that He will NEVER leave us NOR forsake us. Please let me hear from you. Let’s share our stories and bring encouragement to one another. We may be uncomfortable in this new place but we can rest in the security that God has us.
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