Hello everyone, I wanted to write this unique blog where I share a little bit more about me. I think it’s important
Hello everyone, I wanted to write this unique blog where I share a little bit more about me. I think it’s important
Perspective is such an important part of everything in our lives whether we are aware of this or not. It is impacting
If you find yourself wondering if you need to remove something or some things that is NOT necessarily a bad thing. You see, for some of us, we have this need to hold on to some things for as long as possible. You don’t have
Each of us, if we were honest, can admit we have had something more than once seem to rise up that we
Christmas has always meant so much more to me than gifts and all the commercialism. It is the time we recall God’s
Release is necessary for the changes. When we don’t let go what we are used to, we hinder our own growth. It
Time with God in prayer truly becomes those incredible moments of recharge, clarity, peace and guidance. Without these moments, we may become
Let’s take this moment together and share how we have been impacted. I have noticed there are still many that do not
Right now, it seems, we are in a real battle. It’s an unexpected battle that it has lasted a whole lot longer