Are you there with me; no matter what? What do I mean? We find ourselves at a place in our lives where we have never been before. We must decide to not allow our circumstances to stop us in our faith and confidence in the Lord. God has not left His sovereignty and I want to encourage you with these words. Let’s take a moment to discuss, “NO matter what.”
Right now, it seems, we are in a real battle. It’s an unexpected battle that it has lasted a whole lot longer than what we anticipated as it came. Some of us have been directly impacted and some indirectly. Whether you find yourself directly or indirectly affected; we are truly in this together. With that said, I felt to share these words of encouragement; let’s decide we will NOT quit; we will keep fighting the fight of faith no matter what!
When we are faced with serious trials, we can definitely be tempted to lose faith and hope especially if you have been hit hard directly. Being impacted by these things that are so much larger than ourselves only reminds us how much we need our great BIG God to fight our battles and by faith see us through.
We may not know how long or what full impact this may have on each of us even in the future; but we can trust that God will keep us through it all. You see, as believers we have a promise in Proverbs 18:10, “The name of the LORD is a strong fortress; the godly run to him and are safe.” I want to reassure you that you can put your trust in the Lord!
Even with all these changes, I would like to know how each of you have been impacted. I know some may say, they have had to make some major decisions but I also know that no matter what, as God’s children we can know that He will cause it ALL to work together for our good and for His glory. I may not be able to tell how but I can say this with comfort that God will NEVER fail us, and NEVER leave us alone. I may have not liked how this has impacted myself, my family or just how you feel; but I can say as it is said in Psalm 37:25, “Once I was young, and now I am old. Yet I have never seen the godly abandoned or their children begging for bread.” The true heart of the matter is we can trust God whether we have little or much.
I believe God has us living for such a time as this and we can choose to recognize His faithfulness through it all. By faith, we can know He has the whole world in His hands. I would love to hear from you. I would love for you to encourage others by sharing what has been your experience and what you have learned in these times we find ourselves in.
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