Perhaps you are like me, you remain teachable and want to learn from lessons in life. I believe with every stage in life there are things to learn and grow in. Let’s take a moment to discuss, “At least 10 things I wish I knew when I was younger.”

Let’s be honest, in life there are many things to learn. Experience teaches you many lessons We can admire and inquire from others who have experienced certain things, but there is something about when we walk in these moments ourselves. We may handle things differently then what we have seen in others and perhaps we were able to decipher through these times well.

We may handle things differently then what we have seen in others and perhaps we were able to decipher through these times well.

What I see now, I may not have seen before as I journeyed through certain trials in my life. Perhaps, I may have decided differently if I paid attention to some of the warning signs. Perhaps, you feel the same. There are times we can desire something and I believe perhaps it was not something God wanted for us and so we must accept it. It is important that we do not force anything not meant for us. We will live to regret it.

Whether it is where you decided to live. Perhaps it is a relationship. Maybe it is the job or career you chose. No matter what it is, there are things to learn as we are living through these moments and stages in life. We really don’t know ‘everything’ so it is important to admit it in order for growth to occur.

Here are at least 10 things I wish I knew when I was younger:

1- Learn from mistakes. Accept the things you did not do well or were wrong decisions.

2-Be careful with making judgements. When you do not understand the choices others are making, use proper judgement. You may make a false accusation because you did not understand what or why they were doing the things they did.

3-Focus on the things you are good at. Sometimes, spreading yourself thin can lead to dissatisfaction and not quality work or time.

4-Be honest with others about your feelings. You do not want there to be a lack of communication because of misunderstandings. 

5-Do not allow yourself to be overwhelmed about the opinions of others. You will not please everyone.

6-Stay in the moment. Learn to enjoy where you are while you continue into what is next. Appreciate the little things and not only the big wins.

Stay in the moment. Learn to enjoy where you are while you continue into what is next.

7-Embrace change. Accept the fact that life has constant changes occurring; some good and some very hard. Grow through each.

8-Form good, healthy habits for your body, soul and spirit. Take breaks when necessary. Pay attention to your needs and not only to what others need and want from you.

Form good, healthy habits

9-Choose forgiveness, set proper boundaries and give grace just as you would want the same from others.

10-Invest in yourself, take breaks which include quality time on vacations and with loved ones. 

These are at least 10 things I wished I knew when I was younger. There are obviously so much more that I can list. I have found throughout various moments in life, taking moments to pause and pray helps me to endure throughout my life journey. There is still so much to learn and experience and I sincerely look forward to it.

Taking moments to pause and pray helps me to endure throughout my life journey

It is amazing that we may think we know some of these things but you realize there’s still so much to learn as you face them in life. Let’s not compare our life journey to others but pay attention to how we can do better with every stage we go through in life. 

Thank you for taking moments with me. Please let me know some of the things you wished you knew when you were younger. How have you navigated through some of the hard places in life? What do you believe you are still learning and growing in?
Don’t let anyone or anything make you believe you are stuck.

There is always another way.
Keep pressing on and find it.
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