At some point, there may be some thing/s you may have procrastinated about doing. Let’s be honest, we all may have been guilty of delaying to do some thing/s. Maybe at the time we believed it was for good reasons or maybe it has just become a bad habit. Let’s take a moment to discuss, “Some tips if you find yourself procrastinating.”

It’s important to recognize when you find yourself procrastinating. Let’s keep in mind, there are some differences with procrastination and laziness. Procrastinating is when we are unnecessarily delaying on doing some thing/s. Laziness is when there is a reluctant attitude and no desire to make any effort.
We must acknowledge when we are willfully postponing our set goals. What could be the reason for the delay? Are we finding it difficult to manage our time well. Do we think everything else is so important and continue to postpone some things? Are we afraid of what it may require of us? Are we fearful to face something so we procrastinate about dealing with it? Could it be we have gotten some other things so vital to accomplish that we must delay finishing these things?

Whatever the reason we are procrastinating, first things first we must acknowledge when we are doing this. We also must admit if this has become a constant habit and if it is now affecting us and those around us.
Perhaps stress or unfounded negative beliefs about yourself is influencing this behavior. Learn to pay attention to these things and decide that you will not stay so hard on yourself. Recognize if you need to implement some intentional habits to stop from continuing forming this habit of procrastinating.
Keep in mind, procrastinating can be extremely common and many struggle with it sometimes. It’s what we do about it in order to stop this from becoming an unhealthy habit.
Here are some tips to avoid procrastination:
1-Admit when you are delaying tasks that you are supposed to be doing.
2-Reduce the number of decisions you must make.
3-Create habits that will boost your effectiveness and will not drain you when doing them.
4-Decide which days work best to accomplish certain goals.
5-Set a schedule to accomplish priority goals
6-Write down your goals and decide how you will implement them even if it means breaking them up into smaller parts in order to not get overwhelmed in one day.
7-Stay focused and turn off everything that could be a distraction in order to complete your goals.
8-Take breaks and if you need to set a timer to return to the task you are trying to complete.
9-Hold yourself accountable and if you have to ask someone to help you stay accountable too.
10-Get help if you believe this is deeper situation stemming from your mental health.
Overall, procrastination is something we can all do at some point for different reasons. Most importantly, we must acknowledge the why and how can we change this from becoming a habit.
Thank you for taking moments with me. Do you find yourself procrastinating? Can you recognize when you are guilty of this and has it become a habit? Would you admit if you are just being lazy or are you choosing to delay in completing things? I encourage begin to implement some of these tips. Share your story and let’s encourage others together.

Don’t let anyone or anything make you believe you are stuck.
There is always another way.
Keep pressing on and find it.
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Love this. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you Laura for taking moments with me and reading and sharing your thoughts.We can all do better and must be careful with procrastination.
Really helpful, thank you! I do have routines in my day to day life with the family, but I need to get into a proper routine with my work life as I do procrastinate. This is giving me the oomph to work a system out!
I am so glad this article was helpful Katy. Paying attention to when we may be procrastinating is so important so we will not allow it to become a habit. Thank you for taking moments with me.
Thanks for the good tips. Now that I’m retired (with more to do than ever, it seems) and have fewer deadlines, procrastination is easy to do. I like #6, about breaking a task into smaller parts. Sometimes I have to make myself do one of those small parts each day, so at the end of the day I will have at least taken a step in the right direction, even if it’s a very small step. My problem is multiple projects, but I have always been that way, from way before anyone ever heard the term ADHD. 🫤🙄
I am glad these tips are helpful. There is something about tasks being broken up into smaller ones that helps. Agreed it can be very difficult when trying to work on too many projects at one time. Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts.
These are great tips for sticking to a task and being productive. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you Sam for reading and sharing your thoughts. I’m glad you found these tips helpful.
It’s important that we learn that procrastination and laziness are not really related, nice article.
(From Samantha at
Definitely true there are differences with procrastinating and laziness. I appreciate you taking moments with me to read my blog and share your thoughts.