There seems to be those who truly know how to walk in their creative skills and those who just don’t. Many who choose not to seem to believe it is ok to take from others and assume as their own work. I have seen this so often sadly, not only in the blogging community but in a variety of industries including ministry. Let’s take a moment and discuss further, “Be Original.’
I wanted to take this time to discuss with each of you, as I have experienced this first hand unfortunately in ministry and other things. I do believe it is an honor to be an influence to others. We honestly do not know how many we are impacting and encouraging in the things we do. But let’s admit it, that does not mean its right to take from someone’s work and call it your own.
I have wanted to write about this for a little while now, I just wanted to make sure it was shared in a way that you all would be encouraged. I do not like to think of this as joining a bandwagon of other’s disappointments who have endured this but to express in the mist of this, we must stay true to who we are. Anytime, we face something that challenges us, we must decide how to handle correctly and diligently. It may seem harsh to confront something like this but it may be necessary when someone/s are purposely taking advantage of your gifting and talents and calling it their own.
It is important not to go on a rant like a victim to these things but to make it very known you recognize what the person is doing and help others who may possibly have to deal with the same things unfortunately.

To be a content creator means just that, “to be original in your creation of content.” After all, there is only one you and God has blessed each one of us with creative talents that we choose to use in life. To be genuine in all we do, is to be naturally creatively doing so. Be authentic and true to your skill, art, and your calling. You won’t have to be identical to someone else when you are being genuine in life. Yes, you may be influenced, you may be impacted and you may be challenged by other’s skills and calling. That is fine. I believe we can learn from one another and encourage one another in all we do in life. There is no need to copy someone or take from someone when you are purposely living out what you believe you are called to do.
We should be constantly growing, learning and deciding to be intentional in what we do every day.
I was inspired by to take this moment with each of you. Unfortunately, she and other bloggers recently went through someone copying her work. Because I truly understand the disappointment and wanted to bring encouragement regarding this subject, I chose to write about it. Let’s decide to be true to who we are, and not take from someone else. Let’s acknowledge by giving credit to those who inspire us in what we do. Whether you copy a quote, a blog, a story, ideas from others please make the right choice to give honor to whom honor is do and state where and from whom you received this inspiration. There is nothing wrong with stating where you receive inspiration from. It does not make you less creative, rather it makes you honest about who motivates you. Let me hear from you. Tell me your thoughts regarding “Being Original.” Let’s take these moments together.
I have another part I’m writing regarding this topic. Stay tuned.
Read more blogs: Recognize When Something is Highlighted, Overthinking
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This is such an inspiring post. I really hope some people in the blogging industry felt the same way. It is sad and disappointing to see people steal and copy content from others without giving proper credit and acknowledging they were inspired.
Like you mentioned, there is nothing bad about feeling inspired or influenced by others. Part of the creative process is finding sources of inspiration but we all have the ability to inject our unique voice and style when creating content which is one of the best parts of being a creator.
Wishing you all the best.
Thank you for reading and sharing you comments on this post. I believe we are influencing so many in a variety of ways. We do need to be honest about where we are being influenced and credit accordingly. I look forward to sharing more in another upcoming post I’m working on. Stay tuned.
Thank you so much for this post. I was one of the other bloggers who fell victim to the copying. I appreciate you sharing this from a faith perspective. I had been finding it quite hard to not be angry and annoyed and lash out about this. My human nature wanted to be angry and I was for a while but then I started to feel sad. Sad that someone felt like their own content wouldn’t be good enough and sad that they felt like they had to be like everyone else.
We are all individuals, and that should be celebrated. I really hope this person understands the impact their actions have.
Olivia |
Olivia, thank you so much for your comments. I am very sorry that you also experienced this unfortunately. Let’s pray there is no one else. It is definitely understandable why you felt angry and sad. It is upsetting that someone thought is was ok to do this to you more than once and to @mindbeautysimplicity and who knows who else sadly. There are too many who make light of their actions nowadays and will choose not to see their wrong. If someone wants to do anything with creative content they must “be original” and true to who they are. When someone thinks its ok to completely copy and call it their own, they are not inspired, they are just a thief and not creative. I have often said, one should stay in their lane. If they are good at something, do it well with all their heart or don’t do it at all. I agree it would be wonderful if the person took responsibility for what they did. However, this person may or may not take responsibility for their actions, but the important thing is that you do not allow what they did to affect you to the place that now you feel wary about others. It is hard when trust is broken, but thank God not everyone is a ‘bad’ apple so to speak. Again, thank you so much for your comments. I am working on another part to this topic. Stay tuned.
Love this post and I could not agree with you more. I have been blogging for 10 years now and I have seen so much copying it could make your head spin. Owning two blogs, a cooking blog, and a life journey blog, I am mesmerized by how much copying there is. As a cooking blogger, it is scary how not only your content is stolen, but your hard work pictures are too.
Be authentic, be you. We all are influenced by the world around us and we are bound to meet the same kind of thinking around us, just as you said, be original.
Thank you very much for reading and commenting on my blog. Wow, first of all I want to say, you are busy with 2 blogs. It is very sad how often this happens. Too many will not talk about it or do much of anything when this happens. It is very disturbing that so many think it’s ok to just ‘take take take’ and never acknowledge where they were inspired, influenced, or encouraged by. It would be great if there was more of an accountability to creative content honestly. I would so appreciate others looking out for one another too. I am very sorry you also have experienced this. It is very sad how often it takes place in just about every industry and sadly in ministry too as I mentioned in my blog. Yes, there is so much that can inspire us individually… let’s continue to be true to who we are and ‘be original.’ I am working on another part to this subject, stay tuned.
I loved getting to read this post. Thank you for sharing this. I truly wish more people truly understood what being original is. It’s sad to see this happening in the blogging world and other industries and even in churches.
Thank you so much for your comments. It is very sad and disturbing how often this is happening both in the blogging community and so many other industries including ministry as I mentioned in my blog. Some choose an easy route thinking taking and/or copying from someone else’ creative content will cause them to be greater. However, I have seen very often the truth about their non originality be revealed. I am working on another part to this subject, stay tuned.
They say that it will be possible to write every possible combination of words through artificial intelligence and programming. It might already be possible. Without an emotional connection to the material, however, it will have no meaning. The audience will know.
Thank you for this article. It is good to be reminded of what our mission is when we create content.
Love this post. In a world where everyone is doing the same thing we must be reminded to be original. It’s our own uniqueness that will encourage people to listen. Let’s not get so caught up in wanting that we start to take from others.
Someone copying my content terrifies me! Thanks so much for shedding some light on an important issue!
Katie |
Thank you for you comments Katie. Yes, it is pretty disturbing how often others will copy and call it their own work sadly. I felt it was important to discuss. I have more I am writing regarding this topic. Would love for you to follow and stay connected for more upcoming blogs.
I think people get so caught up in what works for everyone else they forget to be authentic. I love this post, it’s a great reminder!
Love this post!
Definitely. A lot of my posts are inspired by others.
This blog post is really inspiring and well thought out. I can tell you are passionate about this topic and what it entails. But I would have to agree with you, especially in the blogging community. I don’t see it as much, but I know it exists. With so many people trying to do the same thing it is bound to happen but that doesn’t make it right. Great post!
Great post, Natalie, and I am sorry you had this done to you and that people think it is Ok. We should be authentic with true emotion when writing, and not have to worry if someone is going to steal our content.
Most of the bloggers I know are honest and are always there to support you and have become wonderful friends.
I wish these people would realize how hard we work to create our blogs with good content and our heart and soul.
Thank you for sharing this post!
So this has just recently happened to me I saw the content of my articles which I usually share on my FB page, I saw it on another website with my photos and name acting as if it was me. I have to reach out and let them know to put it down. I’m glad I was able to find a way because for me it’s a false advertisement as well.
Thanks for this reminder.