I recently wrote about, “Be Original,” and wanted to share another part. You see, there are givers and takers in life. Some have a balance of both giving and taking and others do not. Some only know how to take, take, and take. Some are incredible givers that at times unfortunately can be taken advantage of by those who only know how to take. Let’s take a moment and discuss more on “Give and Take.”

As mentioned in my blog on “Be Original,” I discussed how there are those who are willing to just take from someone else’s hard work and creative content and call it their own without a second thought. I would love for you to read more about what I shared about being creative and original. It’s important to acknowledge where and whom you are being inspired by when sharing a quote, a blog, a piece of art, a style, etc.

We may be in a variety of settings, where our creative thoughts and styles are shared. It is in those moments we are being genuine to who we are. Unfortunately, when someone does not want to put in the hard work, effort or for some other selfish reason, they will choose to take from someone who in genuinely sharing their skills. I find it amazing how someone can willingly do so without any form of conviction or acknowledgement but only for their own advancement.

Givers will do things without a second thought for others. They will be forgiving even when someone takes advantage of their skills and creativity. A sincere giver is not someone who will think twice about helping someone else. They see a need and will want to help in some way. I think this is not to be taken lightly when you experience this kind of person. They can go above and beyond and that is to be commended.

You may also like to read: “GIVE AND RECEIVE

Takers will see an opportunity that can lead to their own benefits and not care less who or what is affected by their decisions to just take from others. Takers are not hard to find unfortunately. They are quick to manipulate situations to look like they did nothing wrong while taking advantage of someone else. They will not be quick to repent but will make excuses or even avoid when being confronted by their actions. I have seen this with certain individuals overstepping and gaining job promotions; someone else being overlooked because someone did this to them and even mimicking someone else verbatim to look like it was their own creative skills originally.

Then there is a balance of knowing how to give and receive (take). This balance comes as the giver learns to take when someone is giving to them. They see the need to receive from others as much as they may want to give. Whether it is in writing, family, an organization etc. it is understood that the giver is there to participate as much as learn from others. They are not being selfish in this way but see the difference of giving and taking.

When someone blatantly takes from another, it is an important lesson to see what are some of the ways to avoid this from happening again. Experiencing this can lead to questioning what others’ intentions may be. You may begin to question even the ones who do not have any bad intentions of taking from you. When we are taken advantage of, we can become less trusting. It is in these moments that I suggest you go to God in prayer and ask for His healing and forgiveness to move past these disappointments of someone taking advantage of you. As we go to God in prayer, He will walk you through this and help guide you.

Remember to acknowledge who inspires you. Be intentional in all that you do and stay pure in your creativity. Do not allow these disappointments to change you but to challenge you to keep going and stay strong. Learn how to have the balance in giving and taking. Give of yourself genuinely and receive from others without selfishness. We can learn so much from one another in life, in skills and creative content.

Let me know your thoughts about giving and taking. I would love to know your experiences regarding this topic. We each have a variety of things we experience in life that can help others as we share our stories. Let’s continue to take moments together.

Read more: “Be Original,” “Growth

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