Growth can be determined by many things. For some, it can include being able to move on from one thing to another; admitting when you have moved beyond a particular person, place or thing; to learning from your own mistakes and taking responsibility for them; and even knowing how to make better choices. Let’s face it, growth can be seen in a variety of things in life and is important when we see it for ourselves. Let’s take a moment together and discuss more on the topic of: “Growth.”

I wonder, how many would admit that they see areas that they need to work on in their own life. It is when we are honest about the things we need to improve, that we can then make the necessary steps toward development. Maturity is not in age only but in our outlook, our mindsets, and our determination to work on necessary areas in our life. When you can do this without excuses but purposely then you can live it out.

I can admit to this personally, I had to make several adjustments in my life over the years in order to improve important areas impacting growth. I may not have wanted to reposition myself, ‘so to speak,’ but it was necessary. What do I mean? There have been times, I have made some major decisions. Such as making a big move, buying a home, leaving a job, distancing from certain friends, eating differently and even working on my outlook on some things just to name a few. I have learned that it’s important to seek God in prayer when it can feel like He is putting His hands on things for us to perceive.

Growth is not an overnight event but rather a continuous part of life. You don’t just experience growing pains and that’s it but you can see the difference it can make as you purposely make some adjustments. I like to think of it taking one day at a time or let’s take it a little further one moment at a time. No matter how you may experience it, it is something that will have to make a choice about. To be honest, there is always something to learn, something that can be changed and something we can do better. Whether you want to wake up earlier or just accept who you are, your mindset is so important.

How about we choose not make any excuses for not growing, but rather evaluate where we are right now and see how and what you can work on. Perhaps, you have felt like God has been showing some things that you can grow in and maybe you have been trying to ignore it. I have to admit, it is best to pay attention and do something about it, when you see the things you have to work on in your life. Growth can be uncomfortable and even painful at times but will always be beneficial.

I would love to hear from you and know what areas you have seen the need to grow in. Let me know how growth has changed you. If you have been putting off making necessary decisions that will require major choices, why not decide to begin the process today? Please I encourage you, don’t put off what you can do today. Tomorrow is not promised and the more you postpone the further you get from moving towards the things that will cause advancement and be beneficial to you. Share your stories and comments here on my blog. Let’s continue to take moments together.

Read more encouraging blogs: “No Matter What” “Enduring” “Stretching

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