Pressure Test

Pressure Test

There are things that come in life that are as a result of a pressure test. The pressure from what you are face will expose what is really going on deep inside of you. One can say, “God wants me to pass this test, or I must pass this test to see my next level.” How about we examine this moment of pressure testing together? Let’s take a moment to discuss, “Pressure Test.”

Each of us, in all honesty can speak of different life moments where we have faced some major testing. It can seem like it is one test after another or even a long season of testing. When you recognize these times, it is vital that you learn to pass each of these tests while you are in them. Of course, I know we may fail some times in these really difficult moments of pressure testing but I don’t want us to focus on that or make an excuse for it. Character is being made, backbone is developing, tenacity is coming forth, and honor is developing along with so much more.

Having a relationship with God helps you to recognize the real source of strength that we can have through HIM. You come to see that even when I walk in the fiery testing, God is on your side and will bring you completely through these things by faith. Trusting God is more than words or some religious experience you may have. It is a daily choice to maintain a close relationship with Him through prayer and reading the Holy Bible daily.

You cannot finish well, if you quit halfway through. There has to be a conscious decision that I am in this for the long haul. I will keep the faith and trust even when I do not understand. Making the hard choices in pressure testing are also vital so you will continue to do what is right even in the mist of all you face.

Excuses during seasons of pressure testing can lead to even more testing. Accept what you cannot change, pay attention to where you stepped into something you were not supposed to and separate yourself to analyze where you are in order to see a better way. When you do these things, you see that even though I walk through… God is with me and He promises to be with me even til the end.

What kind of pressure tests have you walked in or may be living in right now? How has these difficult moments impacted your life? Share your stories I believe we can honestly encourage on another. Pressure tests are real and we all will face them. It is important to learn what we must while walking in it and become aware of how to be prepared for any future testing. Remember to take time in prayer as you face each day and welcome God’s help. Thank you so much for taking moments with me.

You may also like to read: “Moments on the Edge” “Growth” “Release it

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