

This is something we can all be guilty of at one point in time or another if we were to be honest. Have you ever thought; why am doing that? We may be choosing to compare for a variety of reasons. But whatever the reason, I think it would be good for us to admit first to ourselves why and then perhaps question, is this beneficial? Let’s take a moment to discuss, “Comparisons.”

If comparing will lead toward an inward question of where you are in life and how you can ‘do better,’ than well in that case, it may be considered ‘good.’ However, if it causes you to get down on yourself or even possibly angry toward yourself or the other, then you need to question yourself? Sometimes, we do need something to motivate us toward change and if looking at someone else will lead you toward that push in the right direction, then so be it.

Comparing, in an unhealthy way, can lead toward various thoughts and actions that do not cause any benefit. There are too many who are willing to compare and try to outdo someone only because they want to look better. They would be willing to put the other down drastically for their own benefit. This type of unhealthy comparing will not only hurt others but the person doing it. How can this be of any benefit, choosing to prefer to live in this way?

Whether, we see others comparing or we learned to do so on our own; it would be something that we would have to admit to. If we have lived this way for a while and never took action to change it or maybe justified it, then we are far from changing this way of life. Some have allowed themselves to make an excuse for comparing and won’t admit it but it is the one who does so that will have a better outlook overall on others and why they are choosing to live in this way.

At one point in time, we have compared ourselves to someone else. The question comes down to what did we do about it and what was going on in our hearts when we were doing so? Also, did the comparing lead you to want to talk badly about someone else and even cause you to proudly think, ‘I can do so much better than them.’ Most may not admit to these things but it is good for us to do so. In these moments, we will either begin to grow in who we are and in where we are by admitting to them or we can cause hurt to someone else whether intended or not. If we are not careful, we can also hurt ourselves because we can begin to think and speak negatively about who we are and our abilities. 

How about the next time you find yourself comparing you pause and examine the moment and admit where you are in your heart and thoughts. This is of course, your choice and what will come next as a result to you doing so. Remember if comparing leads to competing and or even belittling or any other hurtful thing, it really is not beneficial and may be something you have to work on in your character. 

Let me hear from you, share in honesty whether you are someone quick to compare. Discuss what kind of effect this had on you and others around you. I love hearing from my readers and believe your stories encourage others. Thank you for taking moments with me.

Read more blogs: “Run your race” “Stay in your lane

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