Too often, we may think we are great communicators. However, to have the best communication is to not only be the one speaking. You have to also ‘listen well.’ Let’s take a moment together to discuss, “Listen Well.”
Do you find yourself always talking in a discussion? With each relationship you have, are you doing most of the talking? It may be time to begin to become a better listener. Every relationship deserves both times of speaking and listening? It is during those moments when you may not really be listening to what is being said that misunderstandings can take place.
You never want to assume when communicating. However, let’s be honest when or if you have assumed, you may have been very wrong. This then may have led to misjudgments and perhaps even a change in your relationship. Whether your assumption was right or wrong, the important thing is that you communicate and get clarity. Do not only believe what you hear from others or go by how something may seem (look like) rather go directly to the person and ‘listen well’ to all that is said before you respond.
When you listen well you can get a better understanding to what is being said and why. Rather than having someone feel like they cannot express themselves, why not allow the opportunity to talk freely just as you would want the same. This is what any healthy relationship would include. Be mindful that no one should feel like they have to yell to be heard.
I find it amazing, how often I try to ‘listen well.’ Due to this, I have to admit I have become very comfortable with being the sounding board vs. the one who opens up totally. I am thankful to have just a handful of confidants who I am comfortable enough to express myself in a healthy way. I think there are so many who want to be heard and less of those who really listen. Expressing ourselves verbally to others clearly will prevent unnecessary assumptions and a more balanced relationship.
What I find important is that when you ‘listen well,’ you learn to pay attention to the needs of others and not only yourself. If not, you could believe someone is saying one thing and really meaning something else. Communication requires listening well and expressing yourself clearly. Keep in mind to be careful with too many words, overexpressing yourself, and feeling like you have to constantly explain yourself. The other person may not need you to say as much as you may think to understand what you are communicating. We must also keep in mind that our body language is conveying verbal ques as well.
Let’s also look at social media. Do you find yourself more open to communicating how you feel on social media rather than going directly to the person or persons? So many have become so intentional to avoid direct communication in this way. Stating how you feel clearly directly to the person rather than on social media is a more healthy way to maintain an honest and open relationship. Keep in mind, there are many messages that can lead to misunderstandings and division whenever they are not plainly understood.

Overtime, I have learned to not only listen well but make sure I am understood when communicating. I believe we each can always do better in these important everyday moments. Let me know how you feel about your communication. Do you believe you listen well? Can you do better in your communication?
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Totally agree with you Natalie! I don’t know what it is that makes most people interested in talking and expressing themselves more than listening to what the other person has to say. There are many times that I have a feeling that some people just take small pauses of their talking rather than listening to what I am saying to them. I am a good listener, I know that. But due to the behaviour I explained I often get dissapointed by others. Thank you for this post!
I love this, I feel like a few of my no longer friends, should read this! I just don’t understand when people don’t listen. Thank you for this post x
Caroline , I would sincerely love for you to share this post with others. I agree it would be wonderful if more people just knew how to listen. Thank you for your comments. 😊
I totally love this post Natalie! Far to many times I find myself in situations in which people want to throw their live son me but want listen to me when I offer advice or when I want to communicate my thoughts.
Communication takes both speaking and listening. 😊 It is interesting when the person only wants to talk but not receive incite and instructions. When you have a healthy relationship there will be a time to speak and a time to listen. Thank you so much Riyah for sharing your comments. 😊
I know so many people I have spoken to and I realized afterwards that they were not truly listening. It hurt my feelings and when I think about it I wish more people were better listeners and that if they really care about someone they should listen better.
i feel proud when people tell me i’m a good listener. i feel like it’s such a beautiful compliment & something many people struggle with.
I’m not a good listener sometimes. I just like to talk, and be understood and get my point across. A little selfish. Thanks for sharing this great post!
Listening….. Its a skill, when some one is angry, happy, sad, or emotional…. When you listen them carefully your bond gets more strong, but you have lots of patience for this, nice article, at least some people know that it is important to listen!!
I remember doing a course where listening skills were discussed. I have to teach people how to listen sometimes. Many just speak and don’t hear.
You are fully right. We don’t listen and when we do, we don’t do well. That brought me to lots of missundersta ding in my life. I am working on that, but I should do harder.
I’ve heard it said that the best relationships are formed when people learn to listen to each other and that’s so true. Listening shows you value another person’s thoughts and their time. Great post!
Yes being a good listener is so important for sure. Thank you for sharing all about it!
Thank you for this! I feel like listening is missing is so many relationships nowadays and people mostly talk over or talk past each other which can definitely lead to trouble.