I am in awe that I am celebrating another blogiversary. It’s incredible to think that this is the 7th year of when I stepped out and began on this writing journey. It has meant so much to have the consistent support of so many of you. Let’s take a moment to discuss, “Thankful to celebrate another blogiversary.”

As I reflect on my writing journey, I can see where I have grown, shifted, stretched, and am constantly learning. I decided a while ago writing would not only be a hobby but something that would be used to inspire, encourage, and bring joy to the hearts of my followers.

I decided a while ago writing would not only be a hobby but something that would be used to inspire, encourage, and bring joy to the hearts of my followers.

When I first stepped out and began, I wondered how many would take a moment with me to read and share their thoughts. It can be scary when you step out into unchartered waters. I noticed that along the way over the years, my audience has only continued to grow and it has kept me so humble honestly. Not only is there a community of readers but there are people from all over the world. This has blessed and encouraged my heart so much.

When I first stepped out and began, I wondered how many would take a moment with me to read and share their thoughts. It can be scary when
you step out into unchartered waters.

Something else that I genuinely desired to collaborate with others to grow even more. This was done to have a greater reach and be able to encourage even more people. I also have had the honor to guest write for many. I have been interviewed on podcasts, written articles for magazines and now am working with affiliates. These are things that I prayed for and desired. It brings me so much encouragement to be able to do these things. These things push me to want to continue and do even more.

I genuinely desired to collaborate with others to grow even more. This was done to have a greater reach and be able to encourage even more people.

Writing for me has become a job that I take very seriously and yet really enjoy. I am intentional about my blog and my writing. I want to make sure that in my writings you are hearing my voice and not someone else’s. I have felt saddened by so many who have not been original in their blog writings. Some have copied and called the writings their own and not given credit to where they saw the post and/or the original author. I see how important it is to protect my writings and believe getting legal cover/assistance is important too.

I see how important it is to protect my writings and believe getting legal cover/assistance is important too.

I think it is also important to pay attention to those who may want to tag/link or use your name for their own benefit. As the owner and author of my blog I know that I am not obligated to approve these things. Part of protecting your blog is recognizing these things.

I also am super amazed at the projects I have recently participated in. Some of you may have recognized that I have added conferences/conventions/press to my blog. This year, I have had the opportunity to attend Comic-Cons as a press member. This meant that I needed to make sure I shared my thoughts on each. Please make sure you check out what I shared when I attended MegaCon in Orlando; SuperCon in Miami, and when I attended San Diego Comic-Con. I also had the honor of interviewing Justin Cavender of Bandai Namco Toys & Collectibles America Inc. The other amazing experience I shared on my blog was attending the Her Universe in San Diego for the first time. I encourage you to check out each of these. I genuinely love reading your comments.

Each year, I am also honored to be a host at Resplendencyinc’s Women’s Conference. This year, the theme was “Letting Go” and you are welcome to watch and be encouraged. Let’s be honest, there are many things we hold unto that we must let go of. Freedom comes as we let go. I wrote on this important topic and would love for you to read more about it too.

My writing journey is currently taking me places I really did not expect, and it is exciting to consider what is coming next. Although my book is taking a while to complete, I know I will one day, and it will be well worth it. It is so important to me that everything is done with excellence and to my best ability. I know that there are so many things that I had to learn along the way. That’s the beauty of growing, you allow yourself to stretch and see what you can accomplish, even if you think this may be very difficult to do.

I know that there are so many things that I had to learn along the way. That’s the beauty of growing, you allow yourself to stretch and see what you can accomplish, even if you think this may be very difficult to do.

I look forward to sharing more wonderful things with each of you. I am super excited about more upcoming collaborations, guest posting, and speaking engagements too. I understand that being a content creator means you are having an influence and impact on others, and this should never be taken lightly. I am so grateful that you are staying with me on my writing journey. I would love to hear your thoughts about my blog and what you are looking forward to in the future.

Don’t let anyone or anything make you believe you are stuck.

There is always another way.
Keep pressing on and find it.
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The information contained in this post is for general information purposes only. The information is provided by THANKFUL TO CELEBRATE ANOTHER BLOGIVERSARY and while we endeavor to keep the information up to date and correct, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the website or the information, products, services, or related graphics contained on the post for any purpose. Letstakeamoment blog -Pastor Natalie is the owner and creator of the blog No one has permission to copy any content on including all social media platforms for blog. If inspired by Pastor Natalie's content and content on you must ask for permission first before creating any content inspired by Pastor Natalie and Not all requests will be granted. In addition, if inspired by content and have permission you must credit and attribute Pastor Natalie and 

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