How many of us are too timid or afraid of what could happen if we spoke up for ourselves? Perhaps you do speak up but how clear is your message? We each have a voice to use, so be wise with the words you speak. Let’s take a moment to discuss, “USE YOUR VOICE.”
It is important to listen well as much as it is to use your voice. We should not have to yell to be heard. Do not make using your voice about volume. The aspect of our voice must be clear. Some are speaking without any intention for good but to harm others. The importance of our voice is to use it well. How many of you have heard the saying, “If you do not have anything good to say, then do not say it?” Have you listened to these words of wisdom, or have you had what is “fruitless words?”
Consider your voice every day and where you can use it well. Your words matter and can make a difference. Keeping quiet may be necessary at times, but when you can speak up and let your voice be heard. Some only use a platform to make themselves look good while others will consider how can this impact others for good.”
Using your voice demonstrates your opinions which can be shared on a platform. Your voice shows that you have perspective and knowledge on things that matter. Please keep in mind, each of us can have different voices and this can cause us to have something different to say. To have a voice gives you power, and a way to express your beliefs respectfully.
Consider what would be the result if you stayed silent on a matter. Using your voice to be heard can be effective when doing so properly along with the right time. Some have complained on things they never spoke up about until after the fact. You do not need to argue your opinion to be heard, just remember to speak up when you see the opportunity.
Our voices can bring hope. I believe we are given a voice to be heard and our voice can impact so much. It could demonstrate our passion and convictions. To me, our voices are meant to encourage and support others. We can make a difference right where we are when our voices are used properly.
Some important points to remember when using your voice include:
- Not everyone will agree with you
- You may feel as though you are alone
- It takes courage to stand up for yourself and others
- Be yourself
- Do not be silenced
- Never ignore that inner voice
- What you have to say is important
- Stand tall with your voice and do not stop

For some, they never had the audacity to speak truthfully about how they felt. They were too concerned about the opinions of others and how speaking up may affect their relationship. Please take a moment to be honest, right now and decide to be straightforward and clear about your convictions and let your voice be heard. You never know how much this may impact everyone around you who too were too afraid to speak out.
Let me know how you have used your voice. Have you battled staying silent? Have you ever stood in courage and spoke up for yourself or someone else? When you have an opportunity, use your voice well. These moments are impactful and alter not only our lives but the lives of others too. Sharing your story will bring encouragement to others. Thank you for taking moments with me.
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This is so amazingly insightful, and I so enjoyed reading it! Often the people with the loudest voices are the ones who really aren’t saying anything meaningful at all. I wish more people thought this way! My mom always says “Is it true? Is it constructive? Is it necessary? If not, think before you speak it.” Well done as always!
Beautifully written, your piece really made me reflect on the times we choose to speak versus not say anything and how there is significance in each but we also have to think of the impact. Love how you say, be “wise with the words you speak”. I’ll remember that. Thank you!
I really enjoyed your post and you are right on track with this. I hope that more people will understand how true this rings. Thank you for your insight
It’s important to speak or develop the courage to use our voices. Thank you for sharing this awesome post!
I voice my views on appropriate forums. Yes, there will be people with opposing views. They will be up for a fight. But It is important to have an opinion. Fence sitting can enable fascists to get power.
this is something I need to work on to be more vocal and express myself and not just agree on anything. I remember being caught in situations where I feel I just agree more.
This is so beautifully written. I’ve learned to use my voice my constructively in the last few years. Thank you for writing this!
This is a great post. The Bible talks a lot about the power of our voice and taming our tongues. Great wisdom on listening to your convictions with this.
Using my voice is defiantly something I struggle with, have done for years to be honest. I’m a very anxious person and don’t like the thought of people judging me for what I say but it’s certainly something I’m working on. No one should be silenced, we all have an opinion and we deserve to be heard. I throughly enjoyed reading todays post lovely, thank you so much for sharing with us Xo
Elle –
It is so important to speak up for ourselves, but also important to know when to be quiet. In this day and age with social media it is too easy to sit behind a screen and use your words in a negative manner. Thank you for such an insightful post.
It is definitely important to speak up but also use your words wisely. This post was really inspirational- good job!
If only those who have ears would listen! Sometimes I have to tone down or consider if I even should say something, but that is rare; I am very vocal because injustice is not fair to anyone, especially to those who, for various reasons, can’t defend themselves. You said it very nicely; I’m very blunt usually, for impact:))
Thank you for these reminders. I sometimes hesitate to speak up out of fear. But these tips are helpful.
This is a great post. It is so important to use your voice, but to remember not everyone is going to agree. I sometimes can not speak up for myself where maybe I should, it is something I am working on. Thank you for sharing.
What a wonderful post! Knowing when to use your voice and when to stay silent can be so tricky. I love how you said to use your inner voice to know. Thanks so much for sharing!
This is so insightful and beautifully written. I use my voice to stick up for others in situations where I feel something is unfair, and try to use it in my day to day life (communication). Thanks for the helpful article!
So glad you were encouraged. Sticking up for others is definitely using your voice and I so glad to hear this. Thank you for your reading and sharing your thoughts.