As I came upon this story, I felt I needed to share it too. To see another person in a race make sure their first place competitor was able to finish spoke volumes to me. This is not a common practice whether in a marathon or in our everyday lives. Let’s take a moment to discuss “Would Do the Same?”
The common practice of so many is to outdo the other. Let’s be honest, at times there is a lack of empathy and even a lack of encouragement by some when it comes to what you are accomplishing. Oftentimes, you might experience the opposite; a sense of competition as you would see in a race. This real life example in this marathon demonstrated an uncommon compassion and selflessness.

It is with this in mind, that we can be encouraged to do the same. Would you, if you had the opportunity? What if that was you stumbling at the end, so close to the finish; would you appreciate someone’s help? If you are a believer in the Lord then you may want to be honest about where your heart is regarding these things. Some would immediately say, of course I would do the same but truth be told, there are so many right now around us in need of help and yet we are not doing the same.
Struggles do not have to be broadcast to be evident; we just have to become more sensitive and aware of those around us; especially if it is not obvious like in this race. Let’s consider how we can encourage and build others up and not be quick to tear others down.
Lastly, this runner was so determined to finish the race before her; she confessed she would do whatever it takes to accomplish it. This is another example of tenacity and endurance. This is someone who finishes what they start, great example of faith, and perseverance. She did not let anything get in the way of finishing especially with the finish line so close.
Let me know how this blog and story has encouraged you. Would you do the same? I love hearing from my readers! Let me know your story of how you helped someone or perhaps you are that runner enduring much right now. Share my blog with others and bring encouragement too.
Source: Inside Edition (watch full story)
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Thank you for sharing this story. I’ve heard about is and seen some videos where competitors help each other. To be honest, I’m not sure what I would do. Sometimes you can be so focused on your own goal that everything else becomes a blur.
But what you said about helping others now and those around is was very powerful. There are so many trying to keep their head above water and yet we don’t help. It’s a great topic. How to help, how much help, when to help. So many questions come up. Great article.
I really appreciate you taking moments to read and share your thoughts. I was genuinely moved by this story and understand that the challenge is for each of us to become more sensitive to those around us and how if possible can we help in any way. It is important to learn how to live selflessly which is not a common lesson we see nowadays. Every one is pretty much doing their own thing. You are encouraging to consider to write more on this topic. Thank you Benny.
I agree with you. I see some people need some encouragement for what they do, but they can’t get it. This is was interesting read. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you Fransic for reading and sharing your thoughts. Can you only imagine how different our world would be if we each would become more aware of the needs of those around us and not only our own. Obviously we need to take care of ourselves and those around us but we should consider if possible when, where and how we can help when we see someone in need. I appreciate you taking moments with me.
I love this story. The statement “struggles do not have to be broadcast to be evident” is so true. You never know what someone else is going through, which is why it’s so important to be kind. Thank you for sharing, Natalie!
We really do not know what others are facing all around us and it up to us to become more attentive and helpful where and when we can for sure. Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts.
More often I have been seeing such a selfish attitude on people. It has even caused me to be friendly but not too nice with people. I think more people need to learn to show kindness and empathy.
We each can do better for sure. This story really touches the heart and causes us to question would we do the same? Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts.
It’s always very nice to hear encouraging words and selfless acts in a world that is getting more and more selfish every day.
Thank you so much Dan for reading and sharing your thoughts. We each can be very selfish and not paying attention to what others’ are going through right in front of us. We all can do better.
This is a really interesting post lovely which has really made me question what I’d do. I’m defiantly someone who loves to help those around me so I think I’d help. But, you can be so focused on your own goal that everything and everyone around you becomes a blur. Thank you for sharing this story with us! Xo
Elle –
I really appreciate you reading and sharing your thoughts Elle. This story really touched me and I believed it would do the same for many and this is why I wanted to write about it and share it.
Wow truly a story of selflessness. I’d like to think I would do the same in that situation.
It truly is a self-less story. Thank you so much for taking moments with me and sharing your thoughts.
What a lovely story and really makes you think. I think it’s very profound to have helped another person reach the finish line. In life, we can be so focused on our own selves – we don’t see others needing the help around us. Thanks for sharing this.
Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts “B.” This story really touched my heart and I honestly believed it would continue to touch many others and that’s why I wanted to share it. We each can be so consumed with our own lives and the question is are we recognizing those in need right around us and can we help them? Would we go as far as allow them to even do better than ourselves with our help?