Going through Hurricane Irma has been overwhelming. Here in Central Florida we may not have gotten the worse of it but wow, we still felt some furious effects from this storm even after it was downgraded to a level 1. The eye of the storm turned at the last minute toward us and brought much of its wrath. Take a moment with me to read more about “Why I am Sincerely Grateful.”
After the storm, come all the assessments. Approximately 2/3rds of Florida lost electricity while Hurricane Irma crossed over. There were major damages and loss throughout too. Unfortunately, flooding and other after effects are still happening even days later. There is still much to do in our state and it is incredible to see neighbors helping neighbors to get through this. It is a beautiful sense of unity that is unspoken to see how we all understand each other along with an assurance that we will get through this.
I wanted to take this quick moment with you to share something amazingly personally. You see, a couple of years ago my husband and I felt concerned over a tree in our next door neighbor’s yard. After having our own tree trimmed in our backyard, we also pruned some of the tree that extended unto our property (these were the parts we felt concerned over) that belonged to our neighbor. We are so ‘sincerely grateful’ we did. During the storm, the same tree had a large part of it fall away from our home; protecting our home and us. We believe God not only protected us, but lead us years earlier to do something about what we recognized as a potential future hazard!
Through all of this, you really must acknowledge what matters most and take time to thank God for protection, restoration and provision. Although this storm was horrible in many ways, it’s important that we remain thankful and recognize the ways we can work together. We remain sincerely grateful and recognize we were spared much potential damage.
Let me know something that you are sincerely grateful for. Did you recognize right away that you or someone you love were protected? I sincerely love hearing from you and know that your stories bring encouragement to others.
Read more: “How to be Completely ThankFULL”
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