I must be honest; I often will encourage many individuals to press on, push through, never quit and keep moving forward. But there are times when it is important to recognize when something has ended and is now beginning to drain you, affect you negatively and you must decide to end it and move in a different direction. Let’s take a moment to discuss, “When it’s time to move on.”
Perhaps you are like me, you have pushed through something and decided you would not easily quit just because something became difficult. But at some point, you began to feel and see warning signs that this is no longer something you should push or press on toward. I cannot stress this enough on how important it is to pay attention to when you can sense these warning signals.
I have learned this lesson unfortunately the hard way. I am someone who believes it’s important to give your 110 % to anything you do. I can remember being a part of something and really enjoying it so much in the beginning but there was something I felt regarding the leadership early on. Out of respect, I felt it necessary to continue there but warning signs increased as I began to see how it was impacting not only my health but my family too. It came time to release myself from this and it was amazing how free I felt when I did.
Now the lesson in all of this was that it took awhile to feel completely better. The leadership had a way of being very controlling and manipulating and it was important that I recognize what was truth and what was error. Removing myself from the situation, caused me to open my eyes to see differently and pay attention to future endeavors.

I do not believe you should compare every situation to one experience but rather learn from the experience and pay attention to warning signs to know when to leave something and not continue in it just because you feel obligated or coerced. I believe everything we do, should be done purely from your heart and genuine intentions. Otherwise, you must ask yourself why did I begin to do this and why am I still here involved in this?
Just as important it is in pushing through something and getting passed delays, disappointments, insecurities, miscalculations, etc.; so it is with knowing when to move on. It is not quitting to move on or end something. It is making a genuine decision to do what is right for you. If you genuinely experience warning signs and a lack of peace, please pay attention. This is such an important real-life lesson.
Thank you so much for taking moments with me. Share what you have had to move on from. How has it impacted you? Did you sense warning signs? Did you quickly pay attention? Are you good at recognizing when to push through and when it is time to move on? I love hearing from each of you.
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I love this! I’ve recently had to move on from a (new) friendship that made me feel more anxious than happy. It just was not a genuine connection and I could tell simply from the way it made me feel. Thanks for sharing this!
It can be hard when we decide to move on. I totally understand and agree when something is not genuine especially in any relationship it is important to move on. I sincerely appreciate you sharing your experience. Thank you for taking moments with me.
Wow, good stuff! Like you, I’ve always been one to put 110%+ into all that I do. Unfortunately, this hasn’t always been to my benefit. I have to work on accepting the ‘move on’ signs earlier.
I think I am quite good and knowing when to push through and that I have the ability to get through difficult things. Thank you for sharing your experience.
Thank you for reading and sharing your comments.
Well, I have an experience with this one. But the problem is that I resist and can’t stop haha. This is helpful and thank you for sharing!
We each can learn from our life experiences. Thank you for your honesty. I appreciate you reading and sharing your thoughts.
Learning from experience is a beautiful way to live!
I believe we can learn from every life experience. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts.
It can be hard to know when to move on and when to push through. I try to move on when something is keeping me up at night or causing me to worry more than normal, but for some reason it’s still difficult to leave.
It is so important to pay attention if we feel we are losing our peace and sleep over something. Doing the right thing and moving on can feel like we are abandoning something or someone at times. We even can feel like we failed but these things are not true. It is so vital to move on so we can obtain peace and grow from the circumstance and experience. I appreciate you reading and sharing your thoughts.
It can be hard to know when to move on especially if you feel that you have invested so much. Deep down I think we know when it’s time to move on.
It is amazing that we could be getting warnings and internal checks that we must pay attention to. It does become harder the longer we delay in moving on. Thank you so much for taking moments with me to read and share your thoughts.
I know for myself I sometimes struggle with moving on especially if someone hurt or offended me in a personal offense. I am learning though the faster you stop thinking about it the less it bothers you.
I so agree that when you intentionally stop taking time to constant think about it, it will bother you less as you move on past it. Forgiveness holds such an important key too. Thank you so much for taking moments to read and share your thoughts.
It can be really difficult to move on, but so necessary and life-giving! Thanks for the encouragement!
You are right although it can be hard to move on, it is necessary at times. I appreciate you taking moments with me and sharing your comments.
I always find myself staying in tough situations when it is well past the time to move on. This has been true in relationships, jobs, and even some hobbies that I had hoped to turn into something more. Recognizing when to get out earlier rather than later is such an important thing. I struggle often with making the decision to move on and need to work on being able to see the signs and know them for what they are early on.
I totally understand that it can be difficult to move on but it is so vital. Recognizing early on the warning signs can be so helpful as each situation may not be the same at all. I sincerely appreciate you taking moments to read and share your honest comments.
I used to think that you should finish what you started, until I studied law at school. The use of Latin and abbreviations made it impossible for me to learn anything, because I was dyslexic. From that point on, things were different. There’s no point wasting your time beating a dead horse
Thank you for reading and sharing your comments. It is important to recognize when it is time to move on.
Great points. I have a friend that tends to run very hot/cold. For a time we’ll be BFFs, then a few months later she’s on to someone else. But then a few months later she’s back to me. I’ve finally had to let go any dreams of really connecting with her for the long term. She’s clearly not capable of more. So I’ve learned to appreciate what she CAN offer. 💕
Such an excellent real life example of when it’s time to move on. Thank you so much for taking moments with me and sharing your comments.