Be that person with such great determination this year that you accomplish all that you have set your heart to do. Set realistic goals to move forward in the direction of accomplishing them. We must keep in mind that things do not just happen without a purposed mindset to do so. Let’s take a moment to discuss accomplishing your heart’s desires, “Finish What You Start.”
We are already almost done with the first month of a new year and yes, most have begun with a deep desire to fulfill some new goals. Realistically, to accomplish these things one must be willing to constantly push through when they are tempted to go back to the norm. It is vital to remain focused on the goals and reasoning for doing what you are doing.
Do not just make resolutions but make it about a resolve to do the things you have a desire to accomplish this year. Begin, with where you are now and take the initiative to implement these things one step at a time. I love to write out my heart’s desires, include my prayers and ways I believe I can accomplish them. I know it can seem overwhelming to consider all that may be required to accomplish these goals, but with a tenacity and endurance I believe we can.
There may be some necessary adjustments along the way. Do not be discouraged or distracted by these things. Rather only let it push you more to accomplish them. When you see the purpose for the push to get toward your dream, you understand this may not be easy, but it will be worth it. Along the way, even if you face roadblocks, disappointments, setbacks, and discouragement, I encourage you to remember why you started to push for these goals and what you believe the benefits will be. I believe with God’s strength you can push through, not quit and maintain your purpose.

I believe it is important to complete goals. But with that said, I also understand that there are times our goals lead us to do things totally differently to accomplish them. The problem with this is to finish what you set out to do. Do not make it about proving to others rather keep it as a personal goal that you desire to accomplish. Keep your focus in the right place and do not be distracted by negativity or if it seems too difficult.
How many of you would admit that you have set goals with the determination to accomplish them? No one sets themselves out for failure or wants to feel like something is incomplete because it was too difficult to get done. Every year so many begin with a great desire for change. Remember, it is not only about starting but it is about completing. Many may have a problem with starting but remember once you have begun see it through. Set goals that are realistic and attainable.
Here are at least 3 main tips to accomplishing these goals:
Make sure this includes your monthly set attainable goals. Evaluate where you are every month.
Have someone you trust become a sounding board and who will keep you accountable to complete the desired set goals.
As you evaluate where you are, consider the changes you may need to make in order to accomplish without quitting.
Run hard this year, push through difficult places and determine to get toward the finish line. Remember when you accomplish what you have set in your heart to do, you will then be encouraged to keep going and set new goals. You will be able to look back encouraged that you finished what you started and now are ready and able to go to the next level. Things do not just happen from wishful thinking but with constant hard work and determination. Keep in mind, you are also being an example to others. I would love to hear what goals you have set for yourself this year. Let me know what you have done so far to obtain them. I encourage you to resolve in your heart this year that you will accomplish more than you ever have before. Thank you for taking moments with me.
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The information contained in this post is for general information purposes only. The information is provided by FINISH WHAT YOU START and while we endeavor to keep the information up to date and correct, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the website or the information, products, services, or related graphics contained on the post for any purpose. Letstakeamoment blog -Pastor Natalie is the owner and creator of the blog No one has permission to copy any content on including all social media platforms for blog. If inspired by Pastor Natalie's content and content on you must ask for permission first before creating any content inspired by Pastor Natalie and Not all requests will be granted. In addition, if inspired by content and have permission you must credit and attribute Pastor Natalie and
It’s so true what you wrote, it’s so motivating to finish things we planned to do. Even if in my case I don’t feel so often satisfied because I plan to do a lot of things every day, and obviously it’s not possible to finish them all. So for this year, I set the goal of not planning an irrealistic number of things for every day, but just a few but very well done! But thanks anyway for the suggestions! 🙂
xx Dasynka
This is such a great article and really hits home for me. I tend to get pulled in all different directions, and just let that happen. The 3 tips shared here are game changers for me!!
I don’t have specific goals for the year yet. I did set a few for the month and am working on those. I agree it’s a good idea to write goals and then check back in with them and adjust as you go.
I really encourage you to begin now right where you are in writing realistic goals you desire to accomplish this year. Consider someone who can hold you accountable and evaluate where you are at least once a month. You will feel so encouraged when you begin to see how far you come and all the goals you were able to accomplish. I would love to hear how this goals. I really appreciate you taking a moment to read and share your comments 🤗
Having someone to hold one accountable and making adjustments along the way are important elements that can help one finish strong. Very good points. This is such an important topic to have right at the beginning of the year and not wait as the year rolls out and exhaustion has set in.
Yes, accountability will impact your accomplishments. Having a mindset that recognizes the importance or adjusting to accomplishments will lead to success. Thank you so much for taking a moment to read and leave a comment 🤗
I love how you include adjusting. So many set goals, but then don’t allow themselves to adjust the goals and steps as needed.
Thank you so much for taking a moment and sharing your comments. 😊 It really is vital to make adjustments along the way to accomplishing realistic goals. 😌
This is a very motivating post! Thank you!
Thank you for reading. I’m so glad you were encouraged and motivated. 😊
I’m the worst at time management and this has impacted me in many ways. A nice post and definitely more than a nudge. I haven’t set any hard goals but have a few thoughts in mind. Let’s see how things turn out. I wish you luck in yours too. Xx
Isa A. Blogger
It’s so important to stay accountable, so we actually achieve what we plan. Thank you for the tips!
Yes, accountability is very helpful in being successful in achieving goals. Thank you so much for sharing your comments. 🤗
I love this. Finishing what you started is so important. I know a lot people who don’t finish what they started and let others do things for them.
I loved this and I read it just now that I am writing about something similar. Planning your steps, setting accountable goals and being able to adjust are really important. For this year I plan to grow my blog and maybe also start a second one.
This is such a great post & I agree it’s good to set goals that are attainable & it’s always good to have someone hold you accountable.
I totally agree with this! Love that you did a blog post about this.
I feel like this was written for me! I’m always starting one thing, getting distracted or discouraged and then moving on to the next thing… and the cycle repeats!
Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts.