Let’s be excited

Let’s be excited

Ok, let’s be excited when we get a chance for change! Excitement may bring out the best in us along with freedom! Too often, we can be excited about something, and then all of a sudden, we allow some outside influence to discourage and dismiss the thrill of what we are doing. Let’s take a moment together and discuss, “Let’s Be Excited.”

Maybe you just began a new job or maybe some other new experience, this definitely will come with excitement! New experiences will bring out challenges as well as different outlooks. Once you walk in it, continue in the thrill, even as you are becoming more accustomed to the new place in your life. Like anything, when you get too comfortable or too accustomed to something, it is then that the excitement can wear off. It is up to us, to maintain excitement and a tenacious spirit to be content and yet sincerely grateful for all that is before us!

Again, thank you for joining me. I would love to hear about your new experiences and even how you are maintaining a true contentment and joy in a place that no longer seems very new to you! I ask you to ‘examine this moment ‘ and share. I believe as others hear your stories, it will be an encouragement to them as well.

Read more blogs: “Change is Good” “Living it Fearlessly

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