Staying low takes discipline, character, backbone, strength and a sense of understanding that God has it all. It may not make sense but you have to stay low to go high. Although, this may seem impossible, it is necessary. Let’s talk about, “Staying low, to go higher.”

Let’s get this straight from the beginning, I am not saying to allow people to just walk all over you. That is just plain wrong and abusive. But what I am saying is to stay low and remain humble in all circumstances. This is not an easy feat but God can equip you to do so. He is so aware of all things and wants to help us in every area. He always begins with right in the center of it all, our hearts.

With that said, how about being real about how you feel about things right now. As it is, are you humble or arrogant and boastful? Do you like to brag about everything and show off all that you have? There is a difference in expressing all that God has done for you as you talk about the things you have. When you share, do you acknowledge God at all? Without this, you are only fooling yourself into thinking that you have authentically given God praise. You can fool everyone around you but God is very aware of the heart. He knows a prideful, boastful heart and one who is clearly thanking God for all things.

Ask God to reveal where you are. He will show you very quickly. It would be up to you to be honest about it and ask Him to deal with your heart and remove the callous ways that have left Him out blatantly. Yes, allow God to reveal those areas where you choose to think it was all your doing. Honesty before the Lord, can change many things very quickly. Remember if your going to boast/brag, then boast/brag in the Lord and all that He is doing.

Share your stories. Let me know how you can recognize where humility and pride has affected you. Do you see that staying low leads to you going higher? Your stories bring encouragement to many others.

Read more: “Why You Shouldn’t be Allergic to Humility

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