The Encouraging Blogger Award was created by Lisa Mitchell of Fluxing Well with the ‘purpose to recognize bloggers who bring encouragement’ with their blogs. I so love that she created this bloggers’ award and appreciate that now we get to acknowledge other bloggers with a nomination because of their writing.
I want to first say a big, “THANK YOU,” to Daphne FreeAt50 blog for nominating me for the Encouraging Blogger Award. I am completely honored. There are so many great bloggers in the writing community and I remember when we connected and actually guest posted on each other’s blog. You can read more of her guest post: Escaping the 9-5: Quitting Corporate Life is not Only Okay to Do but Do-able
Daphne FreeAt50 blog has a passion to inspire others with an ability to succeed outside of the 9-5 workplace. She provides tools and incentives to move you forward toward this goal. Also, I am inspired by how Daphne was propelled to begin this journey after being laid off last year during the pandemic. I recommend you take a moment and follow her.
Now let me tell you a little more about
When and why did you start blogging?
I began my blog in August 2016. Let’s take a moment began out of a heart to write about taking time to pause and consider real life moments constantly taking place every day. We need to become more aware of these moments and I want to examine them with my readers. I wanted to bring encouragement in my writing and inspire them to take moments to experience life happening all around us every day.
What is your blog about?
As I mentioned in the previous question, it is my passion to inspire people to take moments to pause and experience real life happening all around them. I wanted my blog to bring more awareness to our everyday real life moments we experience. How can we reflect on these moments and make sure they just do not pass us by. It is important to become more attentive to these times and capture their importance. Reflection to me to brings inspiration to my readers. I want to bring out a variety of these moments because every day we can truly learn from each of these experiences we walk in.
What is one piece of advice you would give to encourage new bloggers?
One important piece of advice I would give to new bloggers would be to make sure they understand why they are blogging and how much work will be necessary to be successful. Decide if this is just a hobby or something more. It will take a lot of dedication and time to grow, so make sure they do not compare themselves to someone else’s growth. Learn from others and connect with the writing community on social media.

It will take a lot of dedication and time to grow, so make sure you do not compare yourself to someone else’s growth.
Which is your favorite time-saving blogging tip or scheduling tool?
As a writer, I have appreciated WordPress. They have several plugins that help with SEO and so much more. I really like that I can schedule a post as well. I continue to learn more about other tools and am very open to implementing them too in the future.
What are your future goals for your blog?
My future goals include continued growth in readers, subscribers and followers on my blogs I love connecting with social media followers in the writing community as well. I would also really love to see my Examine This Moment YouTube channel and TikTok grow. One day in the future, I hope to finish and publish a book(s) I have been working on.
Please take a moment as I now nominate 10 well-deserved bloggers also for “The Encouraging Blogger Award.” Please find out more details about this award here by Lisa Mitchell of Fluxing Well There are so many I can include and this is in no particular order. Each have blogs worth following and I encourage you to do so.

1 – The Grumpy Olive this is a very enjoyable lifestyle blog where you will find more than one blogger sharing about a variety of topics on things they love including Food, Style, Travel, Coffee, and Books.
2 – HeadphonesThoughts this blog is very inspirationally in that it includes quotes that are very thought-provoking. As a lifestyle blogger, she brings encouragement in each of her blogs whether it’s about make-up, movies, real-life stories and more.
3 – Unwanted Life He writes from a personal place while bringing awareness to what he calls ‘an invisible disability (mental and physical health).’
4 – Many Facets of Life Denise created this blog to share a variety of facets of life that impact each of us in our lifetime.
5 – Ofaglasgowgirl Jordanne is a UK based lifestyle blog and I believe the topics she includes you will be encouraged by: self-care, mental health, beauty, blogging and much more.
6 – Watery Home you will definitely enjoy these blogson a variety of topics. I have greatly enjoyed her tea blogs.
7 – Tangela Williams-Spann this blog you will enjoy reading as she writes about mental health and wellness. She also will be publishing her first book: “Sad, Black, and Fat: Musings from the Intersections” to be released in August 2021. (I encourage you to support her work and publish her book).
8 – Enviroline Blog Caroline blogs about sharing awareness about the environment and mental health. She includes her battles in recovering from an eating disorder.
9 – Kathleen Wonders here you will enjoy a variety of things, including poems, fitness tips, and other lifestyle subjects.
10 – The Running Baker 24 you will definitely enjoy running tips, plant-based gluten-free and dairy free desserts, travel and more.
About me: Over time, I have come to realize that we must take pauses or we are just experiencing life passing us by quickly! Every day there are several moments we can perhaps all talk about and be an encouragement to someone else with.
~Blessings Pastor Natalie
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The information contained in this post is for general information purposes only. The information is provided by The Encouraging Blogger Award: Designed to Inspire! and while we endeavor to keep the information up to date and correct, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the website or the information, products, services, or related graphics contained on the post for any purpose. Letstakeamoment blog -Pastor Natalie is the owner and creator of the blog No one has permission to copy any content on including all social media platforms for blog. If inspired by Pastor Natalie's content and content on you must ask for permission first before creating any content inspired by Pastor Natalie and Not all requests will be granted. In addition, if inspired by content and have permission you must credit and attribute Pastor Natalie and
congratulations on your nomination and for nominating me
Congrats and thanks for nominating me!
Congratulations!! Loved the way how you jotted down your thoughts on blogging and your experience. It will be a great help for new bloggers like me.
Well-deserved! And I love the excellent blogs you shared with your nominees.
congratulations on your nomination, wish you a luck for your bright future
Congratulations! It’s always great to get to know other bloggers better by reading these posts. 🙂
Congratulations!! This is awesome. Keep up the great work and to all the nominees as well.
Congratulation for this nomination! So happy for you!!
Congratulations on your nomination and I loved reading this post about your blogging journey. I couldn’t agree more with your advice. I never thought blogging would involve this much work and I have really had to shift my mindset. I absolutely love it and I am grateful for the wonderful blogging community that I have met along the way!
Congratulation on your award and thank you so much for nominating us, it’s an honour!
What a wonderful list of amazing bloggers! I follow most of them and the nomination is well deserved.
Thank you so much for the nomination. Congratulations!
Omg congratulations!
Thank you for the honor and your kindness including my encouragement to others. I hope to continue to bring inspiration to many more. I continue to be very passionate in my writing. Congratulations to the winner and all those mentioned.
~Pastor Natalie 🤗🎉🎉