Are you good at paying attention to details? Do you recognize the little things that maybe others overlook? Do you feel you are quick to make impromptu decisions? Are you good at waiting for things? These are important questions to consider as we take a moment to discuss, “Making Quick Decisions.”
I must admit it is not always easy when you must make some very important quick decisions. However, we are living in times where it may be necessary to do so more often. Over-all decision making can be difficult, but it can be more trying when you have to do so quickly.
Oftentimes, the fear of making the wrong decision can leave you frozen in that moment. Suddenly, you may reflect on a past decision/s which lead you to not so great results, so you fear the same outcome. You begin to wonder, ‘should you take that step of faith?’ These are real life challenges that we must acknowledge to overcome them.
First, consider what you are about to do with this question: Is this a rash decision? In other words, am I not thinking this decision all the way through? Am I being foolish in this decision? Am I being cohered by the influence of others or things?
1 – Analyze without overthinking
2 – Trust your gut-feeling
3 – Use the process of elimination
4 – Reflect on the information you already have
5 – Consider comparing the past experiences and outcomes
6 – Look for other opinions and resources to make comparisions
7 – Commit to the decision you make
Consider this for a moment; will you be happy with your decision in 10 minutes, 10 months and/or even 10 years? Remember if you can learn to be good at making quick decisions without over thinking, you will be able to focus more on the bigger decisions.
Discern the results and recognize the possibilities of the choices you are making. Claim responsibility for the decisions you make and pay attention to the outcomes in which you can keep learning from with each deciding moment. Bear in mind, not everyone will always like the decisions you make, and you must be ok with that. Nevertheless, these decisions are yours to make, so it’s also important to consider anyone who you can learn from as well.
There are many times we will find ourselves in a place of making some quick decisions. Make sure you are decisive and not over analyzing. Learn from your mistakes and remember you will not always make everyone happy in the decisions you make. Accept the choices you make.
I have learned from a variety of decisions in my life. From relationships, workplaces and even paying attention to what my belly might be intolerant to. Yes, some of my decisions may have become larger but I remember when I had to make quick decisions in order to have better results. Every little thing matters and impacts the bigger picture for sure.
Thank you for taking moments with me as we discussed, ‘Making Quick Decisions.” Please let me know what quick decisions have you made? How have these impacted your life? Do you feel you have learned from them? Are you a rash person? Are you indecisive? Do you become anxious and stressed out by these times? When we are honest, we can then learn how to become better. I look forward to hearing from you. Let’s continue to take moments together.
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Thanks for sharing! I love number 2 especially: Trust your gut-feeling. You are so right! Instinct is everything. Great post!
Thank you so much for taking a moment with me. Too often we may question our gut. Let’s continue to take moments together. ☺️
I have always believed, the person who thinks about a decision too long, won’t make one at all. That being said, if this person doesn’t make a decision, then he or she has already made the wrong decision. Great post. Thank you for sharing
I really appreciate you taking moments with me and sharing your thoughts. It is so right what you said no decision is a decision. Continue to take moments with me on my blog.
I’m loving this post, thank you so much for sharing lovely. I’m terrible when it comes to decision making but one thing I have learnt over the years is to trust your gut instinct. It’s never wrong! I’ll defiantly be keeping these tips in mind when it comes to making a big decision in the future. Xo
Elle –
I appreciate your honesty that you are working at being better at decision making. Even if our gut is wrong and we may make bad decisions, the important part is to learn from them and establish what led us to make the decisions in the first place. I really appreciate you taking moments with me and sharing your comments.
This was so eye-opening to read as I know that sometimes I can get a bit stuck; I’m usually good at weighing up options (even quickly) but it’s good to recognize when barriers to that ability creep in. Great tips!
This was a timely post. It spoke directly to me. I’ve made several hasty decisions in my life. The last was a business I had to close within a year. I did pay the price for some bad decisions that I made. I can’t undo them but I take comfort in the lessons that I’ve learned. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
I really appreciate your honesty. Every life lesson is meant for us to learn from. I am sorry to hear about your business but I am also glad to hear how you have learned from it and now you can share your experience to help you in the future and others as well. Thank you for taking moments with me and sharing your thoughts.
I def need to learn to trust my gut more with decision making. Sometimes when I overthink – it keeps me frozen in time like you mention to the point I don’t do anything!
Thank you so much for taking a moment to read and share your thoughts. Yes, it will freeze you in that moment. It is something to work on with each decision to become better at not overthinking for sure.
This is such a lovely post. I agree that past experiences stop us from making decisions, even good decisions sometimes. I like Nos. 2 and 7 – Go with your gut and then commit to what to decide to do. No regrets. Thanks for sharing.
Definitely it’s important to go with our gut and commit to the decisions whether they were right or wrong. It’s also vital to recognize when we might have been too impulsive. Thank you so much for taking moments with me and sharing your thoughts.
Great post! I believe strongly in following my gut feeling, it’s there for a reason and if I spend too long thinking about something it can stress me out! Thank you for sharing!
Thank you so much for taking a moment to read and share your thoughts. I am glad you enjoyed. It is amazing how much overthinking can impact our decisions.
Thank you for writing this post! I need to work on trusting my gut more for sure when making decisions.
Thank you so much for taking a moment to read and share your comments. It’s really important to remember our gut instincts can be wrong at times but we can learn from the decisions we choose whether they were right or wrong. Continue to take moments with me on my blog. ☺️
I can often find myself unable to make a decision when it comes to buying expensive stuff and often try to get reassure with my purchase choice from my partner before buying it. Something I need to work on using your suggestions
It’s like you know me! I have such hard time when it comes to overthinking even the tiniest decision. Usually, once I make a decision I stick with it and it’s hard for others to sway me. But getting to that point is not easy. Thanks for sharing!
I find your suggestions really useful. Personally, I no longer find it hard to nake quick decisions, but in the past I used to overanalyze each option and would loose so much time and energy. Thank you for sharing!