**Please note I am not giving professional medical advice. Also, this may be a sensitive topic to some readers.**
Like during any of the four seasons, there are differences, however during the Fall and Winter months you experience earlier sunsets along with colder temperatures. It is with these variations you can experience what some may call, “The Winter Blues.” Let’s take a moment to discuss, “Can Early Sunsets Lead Seasonal Affective Disorder?”
These shorter days and reduced sun exposure has been connected with a decline in serotonin levels and can lead to major depression with this change in seasons. This level of less sunlight in Fall and Winter can cause what is known as winter-onset “SAD (seasonal affective disorder).” A decrease in sunlight can disturb your body’s internal clock and lead to feelings of depression. Whenever there is a drop in serotonin, a brain chemical (neurotransmitter) that affects mood, might play a role in dealing with “Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).”

Your sleep can also be impacted with these seasonal changes. This can be due to less sunlight in the fall and winter months, affecting your level of melatonin. Let’s remember that everyone can deal with sadness sometimes. It’s important to recognize with that feeling of sadness lasting a long period of time and becoming too hard to live with can affect your overall good health.
Colder temperatures can lead to more times indoors. It can become a time of hibernation and detachment from outdoors and normal activities in general. This too can impact feelings of depression and isolation.
It’s important to remember that Fall and Winter months can lead to “Seasonal Affective Disorder (Sad.)” As a result of this you may experience:
-Appetite changes, especially a craving for foods high in carbohydrates
-Weight Gain
-Tiredness or Low Energy
**Please see your doctor: If you begin to feel down for days at a time and you are not interested to do normal activities that you usually enjoy. Pay attention especially if sleep patterns or your appetite changes, if you find yourself drinking alcohol for comfort or relaxation, or if you are having feelings of hopelessness or think about suicide.**
As I thought about what to share, I really believe this is an important topic to become more aware of especially that we have entered the Fall and Winter months. It is amazing how less sunlight, shorter days and colder temperatures can really impact our mental health. It is vital that you remain mindful of how you and those around you are being affected. Please make sure you tell your loved ones when you feel changes in your mental health and get the necessary help you need.

I would love to hear from you. Tell me how these colder months impact you. For so many, these months bring joy as there are changes in the beautiful leaves as some may be tired of the hot summer days. They look forward to upcoming holidays and enjoying moments with friends and loved ones. However, let’s also remember for others the Fall and Winter months can make them “SAD.” Make sure you take care of yourself, include moments of gratitude, time in prayer, continue to include exercise and please get a good night’s rest.

Don’t let anyone or anything make you believe you are stuck.
There is always another way. Keep pressing on and find it.
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The information contained in this post is for general information purposes only. The information is provided by CAN EARLY SUNSETS LEAD TO SEASONAL AFFECTIVE DISORDER? and while we endeavor to keep the information up to date and correct, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the website or the information, products, services, or related graphics contained on the post for any purpose. Letstakeamoment blog -Pastor Natalie is the owner and creator of the blog www.letstakeamoment.com. No one has permission to copy any content on letstakemoment.com including all social media platforms for letstakemoment.com blog. If inspired by Pastor Natalie's content and content on letstakeamoment.com you must ask for permission first before creating any content inspired by Pastor Natalie and letstakeamoment.com. Not all requests will be granted. In addition, if inspired by content and have permission you must credit and attribute Pastor Natalie and letstakeamoment.com
It’s the same as with getting other health issues associated more with the cold such as body aches and pains, greatly relieved by less cold and also, no AC. I agree with your point. It’s true and it happens. The same way people get happier over arrival of spring and seek sun. Good article! Xx
Isa A. Blogger
Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts Isa. Yes, changes in weather and seasons can impact us both in a positive way as well as a negative.
Interesting read. This is probably why I hate the winter. You wake up in the darkness, go to work and then come in the darkness! No daylight.
So true Liv. The darkness as well as the colder temps can be hard to endure. Thank you so much for taking moments with me and sharing your thoughts.
This has affected me in the past, but thankfully, as I’ve gotten older, it hasn’t been as big of a problem. SAD is real and I’m certain this post will help a lot of people!
Thank you so much for sharing your honest story related to this topic. I am glad you recognize that you are being affected too and have learned ways to do better. It is such an important topic and we must remain sensitive to one another and how someone may be impacted by the change of seasons, darker and colder days.
Thank you so much for putting this disorder into words. I agree with you that shortened days lead to less serotonin because of the lack of sunlight. This was such a good read and very insightful. Thank you for sharing!
It is amazing how shortened days of sunlight can impact our health. I appreciate you taking moments with me to read and share your thoughts.
Interesting and helpful info! I’m sure many of us experience bit of this disorder! While I love fall, I hate that it’s the beginning of shorter days and cooler weather. I wish summer was a longer season!
I definitely love the Fall too for many reasons but agree the shorter sunny days especially can impact you. Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts.
I first noticed how sunlight affected my mood when I drove into Florida and actually felt my mood lifting as a result of the intense sunshine. It’s no joke. Blessings!
Thank you for taking moments with me to share your thoughts on my blog. It really is amazing how much sunlight affects our mood. Blessings to you too Cindy.