Photo Credit: Pixabay

I can remember it as if it just happened yesterday. The day I was asked to marry my now husband. Take a moment with me as I want to share with you, “A Memorable Precious Christmas Moment.

We started the special date by going to see the NYC Christmas Spectacular with the Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall. This alone was such an incredible Christmas gift for me to experience. I wanted to see the show so much at that time and was really excited and surprised.

Next, we went to eat at a sweet diner in the city. I loved it so much. The memorabilia and feel of the place gave you a sense that you were sitting in a ‘70s diner. Perhaps “Fonzie” from “Happy Days” would be there. What a great time it was together as we just enjoyed each other’s company and reflected on the beautiful NYC Christmas Spectacular at Radio City Music Hall.

The funny thing about the day was that it happened to be a little warmer while we were out and that only made us want to walk a little more in Central Park. We went over where there is a beautiful ice-skating rink and a lovely bridge. There were lots of people out walking and enjoying the day too. 

Photo Credit: Pixabay
Then as we approached the bridge and began to cross over, my now husband stopped and just wanted to talk with me as we looked at the ice skaters in the distance. The next thing I knew, he was on one knee asking me to marry him.

Then as we approached the bridge and began to cross over, my now husband stopped and just wanted to talk with me as we looked at the ice skaters in the distance. The next thing I knew, he was on one knee asking me to marry him. I was so in awe and excited that I immediately said enthusiastically, “Yesss!” I also said, please now stand up I do not want you to mess up your nice pants. LOL, that just makes me laugh as I remember this precious moment. We kissed and hugged and saw that there was an audience of people celebrating with us. Clapping and congratulating us.

This precious memory is a Christmas moment I will not forget as it took place just a few days before we celebrated Christmas. As I looked at the beautiful engagement ring, I just received I was speechless. I could not believe this had just happened. I could not wait to tell all my loved ones and friends.

To this day, as we prepare for Christmas, we both remember that day when we made a commitment to one another and what that meant as we would prepare to say “I do” in the near future from that day forward. I think it is important that we remember precious moments that impacted our lives for good. This turning point in my life has remained something I will remember for the rest of my days.

Tell me, do you have a memorable precious Christmas moment too? Sharing your stories can bring encouragement to others. I hope you all enjoyed reading one of my memorable precious Christmas moments. I look forward to hearing about your precious memories too whether it is from childhood or more current. Thank you for taking moments with me and for being a part of my writing journey.

You may also enjoy reading: What Matters to Me This Valentine’s Day with the One I Love; Maintaining Communication with Your Spouse

Don’t let anyone or anything make you believe you are stuck.

There is always another way. Keep pressing on and find it.
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